julie booksh

  • Untitled design - 2023-05-01T162949.823
  • Untitled design - 2023-05-01T162949.823
    spiritual coach
  • Untitled design - 2023-05-01T162949.823
    activist for the soul

I teach you how to cut through the BS that minimizes, reduces, labels or traps you. I teach you to meet and embrace more of your unique wisdom so you can live a life that is meaningful and true to you.

julie booksh

  • counselor
  • Untitled design - 2023-05-01T162949.823
    spiritual coach
  • Untitled design - 2023-05-01T162949.823
    activist for the soul
I teach you how to cut through the BS that minimizes, reduces, labels or traps you. I teach you to meet and embrace more of your unique wisdom so you can live a life that is meaningful and true to you.

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Join a webinar!

Free On Demand Class – Rethinking Happiness: Connecting More Deeply To Your Soul
Our culture is more concerned with perpetuating the image of an unrealistic happiness than teaching us to really care for ourselves. Our emotional and spiritual needs are ignored leaving us more stressed, sick and tired. Learn more about this webinar by clicking the button below!

how you can work with me

I facilitate classes and groups that help you live with more clarity and peace. I’ll teach you about the wisdom in your emotions and bodies, inner and outer boundaries, dealing with inner criticism and shame, the psychological harm of popular views of God, discovering your own spirituality, relationships and radical self-love. I hope you’ll join me in discovering the wealth of wisdom that lies in you.

What's Wrong With You Is Right- 4 week class (Coming again soon.)

The Wisdom of Anger & Pitfalls of Forgiveness Zoom Class
July 13th

Losing My Religion, Finding My Faith - 4 week class

“There is a still and loving Presence within you and at the same time beyond you. Call it the Universe.
Call it the Divine or your True Nature. It doesn’t care what you call it. It is calling you!”

- Julie Booksh

hear from others

M.J. -

“Julie has a gift in the way she communicates her messages that are both relatable and actionable. Over the years, I have participated in group sessions and as an audience member at various speaking engagements of Julie Booksh, and no matter what the experience is, Julie successfully connects with me in a way that immediately makes me physically feel better. Through Julie’s insight and teachings, I have become a stronger, more confident person and I have opened not only my mind, but have also learned to “listen” to my body. If you have an opportunity to spend time with Julie…jump at it! I am so blessed to have Julie and her beautiful mind in my life!”

Jackie s. -

“Julie’s guidance and teaching have been invaluable to me. As a busy business owner with a ton of responsibility, Julie has taught me how to quiet down, and pay attention to what my body and my emotions are trying to tell me. I’ve always been one to quickly try to solve a problem. Feeling negative or sad feelings was something to avoid at all costs. Another glass of wine or compelling TV show was my way of coping. Just sitting with whatever feelings I was having, was something I never knew to do. I am learning, thanks to Julie’s teaching, that honoring what your body and mind are trying to show you is the true path to peace. These teaching are a new way to handle life with all its ups and downs. It is the work of a lifetime and I am grateful to have Julie guiding the way.”

Sherrie b. -

“Working with Julie Booksh has had a profound impact on my emotional wellbeing. I have historically been a busy person that just cruises through life in a perfunctory manner. Julie has taught me how to slow down and “feel” more. I’ve learned that my feelings are ultimately trying to teach me something about myself. I’ve learned how to pay attention to those feelings and either savor them or make adjustments if needed. I wouldn’t have learned this incredibly important lesson without Julie’s expert guidance.
Thank you Julie!”

Gayle K. -

“Julie is an amazing teacher! Her classes are beautiful. The kindness and care that comes from Julie is just oozing of love. Take a class from Julie, any class, guarantee you won’t be disappointed.”

Amy Lange -


“Julie is engaging, insightful, incredibly witty and wickedly funny – you will certainly laugh, probably cry, and definitely walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and the societal norms that so often get and keep us stuck. I highly recommend her classes!”

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