What’s Wrong with You is Right: A 4 week online course for finding more peace and happiness in a chaotic world
The toxic images of happiness that are shoved down our throats from all directions are harming us. They are keeping us from the deep intelligence, love and stillness inside each of us. They are also contributing to the rise in self harm.
These toxic ideas:
- Imply that we should be happy all the time.
- Tell us something is wrong with us if we feel angry, anxious, jealous, sad, etc.
- Say we are less valuable if we don’t look a certain way, age “the right way” or have a certain relationship
- Suggest that we should live in love and light all the time and that darkness is bad.
- Tout “positive vibes only” or a constant “attitude of gratitude”.
- Tell us to “power through” with no regard for how we feel physically or emotionally.
- Suggest we need to be completely healed in order to be happy.
- Keep us in a constant state of evaluating and fixing ourselves.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the ways society says you need to change. Trying to keep up with the images of what health and happiness supposedly look like is exhausting.
All of this fixing can take you away from your true self and your real power.
You see, what you think is wrong with you is in many ways actually right. It takes new ways of caring for yourself to notice the solutions often found in your problems.
It is time to stop subjecting yourself to these harmful ideas. It is time to make more room for you, your feelings, your body and soul so that you can discover the wisdom that is constantly being revealed but often ignored. It is ignored for two reasons. No one ever taught us about this kind of wisdom, and we are too busy to notice.
Good news! You can learn now.
In this 4-week course you will learn to:
- Connect with your most authentic self despite society’s attempts to keep you from it.
- Deepen your awareness of the cultural scripts that keep you from your true happiness
- Un-shame your body and your feelings and instead see the wisdom there.
- Learn what it really means to have radical love and compassion for yourself.
- Identify one of the biggest opportunities for personal and spiritual growth
Each night we will meet for 90 minutes. This course will be a combination of intellectual learning, education through storytelling and exercises that provide personal experience. There will also be plenty of room for discussion. Come slow down with me and explore these deeply important topics.
Here is an outline of what is covered in each session.
Night 1
- Problems carry seeds of solutions. They carry messages that take you to wholeness over and over again
- What does it mean to heal and how toxic cultural messages keep you stuck.
- Trauma awareness – Big T’s and little t’s
- Uncover where you are at war with yourself and what to do about it.
- Identifying and confronting shame
- The importance of a loving witness
Night 2
- Mercy – what is it and how you can have more of it.
- Emotional Intelligence – Learning to name and care for your emotions and knowing it is ok to feel them.
- How you unknowingly disconnect from yourself
- How to trust your deepest self regardless of what others want from you
- Working with the three Centers of Intelligence
Night 3
- Deepening awareness of disturbing feelings and how they might be helping you.
- How the body can help – Connecting emotions to the body and learning to identify emotion in the body.
- Building reverence and care for feelings like fear, sadness, anger so we aren’t controlled by them. This builds your resilience and strength.
- How symptoms carry important messages
Night 4
- Reclaiming the wisdom of your body
- Lies we have been told about bodies
- Looking at your body as a truth teller, healer and guide
- Tuning in to the voices of your body.
- Practicing real presence and ways to care for the body with greater love and attention.
- Restoring your body as friend of the soul.
Class Dates: (Coming again soon)
- 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
- 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
- 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
- 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
What people are saying:
“Julie has a gift in the way she communicates her messages that are both relatable and actionable. Over the years, I have participated in group sessions and as an audience member at various speaking engagements of Julie Booksh, and no matter what the experience is, Julie successfully connects with me in a way that immediately makes me physically feel better. Through Julie’s insight and teachings, I have become a stronger, more confident person and I have opened not only my mind, but have also learned to “listen” to my body. If you have an opportunity to spend time with Julie…jump at it! I am so blessed to have Julie and her beautiful mind in my life!” – M.J.
This course is for you if:
- You want to learn more about the wisdom in your body and emotions.
- You long for more clarity and peace.
- You want to feel connected to something deeper.
- You want to know how to care for yourself better.
- You are interested in self-discovery and spiritual exploration
- You have been to lots of different healers and taken many classes and are tired of trying to fix yourself.
- You desire a soul led life – a life guided by the callings of your soul – your true self.
This course is Not for you if:
- You are not interested in deeper connection with yourself and you looking for quick fixes only.
- You think the body is just a machine that you should power through and that the body does not carry wisdom and intelligence.
- You do not believe there are potential messages in your emotions and symptoms.
- You are looking for therapy and treatment for your specific diagnosis, trauma or crisis. While you will learn a little about trauma, deepen your awareness about trauma’s effects and discover tools you can use on your path, this course is not a treatment program. If you are looking to address your specific trauma or crisis you probably want and need more than this class. You deserve a space where you can take your time navigating your specific situation.
Important Note: This class is for self-discovery, learning and practice. It is not for diagnosis, evaluation or treatment of any particular disease or condition. It is for learning and informational purposes only.
*This class will be recorded and replays will be made available.
M. J. –
“Julie has a gift in the way she communicates her messages that are both relatable and actionable. Over the years, I have participated in group sessions and as an audience member at various speaking engagements of Julie Booksh, and no matter what the experience is, Julie successfully connects with me in a way that immediately makes me physically feel better. Through Julie’s insight and teachings, I have become a stronger, more confident person and I have opened not only my mind, but have also learned to “listen” to my body. If you have an opportunity to spend time with Julie…jump at it! I am so blessed to have Julie and her beautiful mind in my life!”
– M.J.